Monday, March 25, 2013

Learning Disabilities 101: Free E-book

Learning Disabilities 101: Free E-book
Have you ever had questions about dyslexia or other related learning problems that inhibit students from learning to the best of their ability when you know they are bight enough?  Read this free e-book to gain a better understanding of their struggles, characteristics and recommendations to help them succeed.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Students Use Technology to Support School Work

Students who take their spelling lists in the Resource Room have a great opportunity to access their words for practice tests and games anywhere! Just follow this link and then click on your name and the correct week's dated list:

A wonderful MATH resource for my students is Moby Math. Each student works at their own level with lessons that the site generates to teach, reteach and practice troublesome math skill areas. One of the best features is that all text is read to the student which removes the reading difficulty from the learning, understanding and practice of math concepts!! Students use this link: and type in this code: fl4902. I am able to see the number of minutes students worked, what lessons they worked on, how well they did and exchange messages. Most of the students find this site motivating as they firm up their math skills!!

In the classroom, we share one iPad.  We would LOVE to have more and perform more learning tasks on them.  If you would like to donate an iPad or some i Tune gift cards with which to purchase more apps, please contact me!  I know all the students would be very appreciative!