Thursday, August 22, 2013




By popular demand, Educational Therapist Shawn Simon returns to Learning Ally on September 10 to deliver a free public webinar for parents and teachers of children with dyslexia. Shawn's live tutorial on Getting a Handle on Homework delivers proven strategies to help students and families manage the stress of homework hour, keep on top of assignments and avoid "backpack disasters." Please consider this chance to register for this free session.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Homework Tips for Parents | Study Help - NCLD

This is a MUST READ for parents. Feel free to share, too!
Homework Tips for Parents | Study Help - NCLD

Children with Reading Comprehension Problems in Middle & High School - NCLD

This article backs up what I believe to be true about addressing 5-8th graders who are reading below level. These students need a two-prong approach: accommodations for reading grade level content AND directly teaching those lacking on level reading skills. Parents and the student both have to be on board since there will be extra time and effort required to reach learning goals. It takes time (sorry, can't fix it in just one year oftentimes) and commitment to reading practice and the time it takes to complete regular classwork.
Children with Reading Comprehension Problems in Middle & High School - NCLD

The Dyslexic Brain: Must-See Video - NCLD

Have you wondered what dyslexia is? Do you think it is reversing letters? Please check out this short video that is less than 5 minutes long, but it clearly describes dyslexia, how it can be passed genetically and gives hope for success in reading.
The Dyslexic Brain: Must-See Video - NCLD